Samsung Optimistic Can Gain in 2017 with the Galaxy S8 AI Technology

Smartphone manufacturer Samsung plans to bring the technology of artificial intelligence on the latest device that is predicted will be penmbaruan of Galaxy S7, S8 Galaxy.

After acquiring Viv Labs which is a manufacturer of voice assistant, Siri, in October last year, it plans to embed technology in the Galaxy S8 Viv and household devices and wearable technology that has, as quoted by Reuters.

Samsung's decision to immediately bring the Galaxy S8 no doubt due to the case with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 that affect the share of corporate profits as much as seventeen percent.

Some of the analysts and investors believe that the Galaxy S8 will be a device that can restore the image of Samsung in the eyes of the consumer and corporate earnings had dropped.

For now, Samsung has not provided detailed information related to artificial Intelligence services that will be presented on the Galaxy S8 is predicted to be present at the beginning of 2017. It was revealed that the AI ​​will allow users to obtain third-party services.

Related technology used artificial Intelligence, Samsung Executive Vice President Rhee Injong said, "Developers can attach and upload services to assistant AI. The more services that are uploaded will provide a lot of convenience for the user because AI assistant will directly process what was requested. "

A number of companies such as Alphabet Inc's, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft have been present on the AI ​​technology services. Samsung itself when the time comes to truly integrate AI, it will deal with Google Pixel that also carry similar technology.
