Get acquainted with the AR Group, Company Augmented Reality Local Already Operating in Six Countries

In Indonesia the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) can be said to be not such a massive movement, just at a little segment of it that have been applied. In fact, when examined more deeply, AR technology implementations can be entered in a variety of industries, from healthcare, military, retail, tourism and so on.

AR technology is now more in demand, see these opportunities, local development company AR Group began releasing AR-based creative solutions that can serve as a liaison between the brand and the needs of mutual customers. This is different from other technology companies that often provide the technology without the real implementation.

AR Group is Augmented Reality (AR) on a global scale from Indonesia. This company has been established since 2009, has its headquarters in Jakarta and representative offices in Singapore, Silicon Valley, New York, Barcelona and Malta. Since it was first established, AR Group is targeting a global market for the development of this technology. Of the company's business portfolio, approximately 70% of clients are from overseas, the rest of the country.

Daniel Surya, CEO of AR Group said that the company started their work on a global scale with the first business unit AR & Co. Of the business, now AR Group predicted as the third best company for AR technology company in the world. AR Group has recorded five AR global patents in force in 148 countries.

Awards were successively obtained by AR Group each year, the latest of Augmented World Expo's Annual Auggie Awards, Silicon Valley (USA) this year for the Best Campaign category AR. AR Group now wants to focus on disseminating the AR technology to their homeland with the launch of two new products.

First, Dav (Digital Avatar) is a technology-based media company AR is interactive and allows consumers to interact with a wide range of products in thousands of retail outlets. Manufacturers and brand consumers can collect data in real time, to measure how effective the product is marketed.

"DAV is our second business unit, which was launched in August 2015 after AR & Co. So far the new DAV exist in Indonesia, we are ready to roll it out to other countries in the near future, "he said, Friday (21/10).

Currently DAV can already be found in 4 thousand Alfamart, Alfamidi and Lawson spread in Jabodetabek. There are 12 brands that use DAV technologies, such as Danone, AXE, SGM Eksplor, Unilever, Sari Husada, Pocari Sweat and others.

Other products MindStores launched in June 2016, namely the merger of AR technology and Virtual Reality (VR) to create a virtual store. The first product that uses MindStores and already on the market is AlfaMind, in cooperation with the Alfamart Group.

MindStores can allow anyone, especially housewives to become a business owner renowned franchise stores virtual format without investing hundreds of millions of rupiah for the property, and other working capital. In the scheme, they will be equipped with a card that can be used to sell and carry anywhere.

Indonesia ready with AR technology.

Daniel believes the Indonesian market is ready for the development of AR-based technologies. All products can be dikonstumisasi according to the needs of business owners and can be accessed online or offline. According to the offering of innovative solutions to solving a problem can be a power company in marketing the product.

He also expects the company gets a claim as the third-best in the world, it becomes a trigger to advance the name of Indonesia to global market presence. AR Group of the whole team of about 98% of the 300 people were Indonesian. This proves that the Indonesian people are very capable in creating a product that can answer all the problems that occur in the global.

"We want to bridge the thought that in Indonesia it was ready with AR technology. This technology is not only used by Pokemon Go alone but in the real world a lot of utilization for all kinds of industries. "

Prepare yourself for the exchange floor.

In the long term AR Group has a plan to be able to take the floor on the stock exchanges in various countries, although he did not explain in what period of time is needed. There were several exchanges of several countries have already approached the company to take the floor there. But this time, he wants to prioritize able to take the floor at home first.

According to Daniel, in considering the plan it needs to benchmarks or metrics of how the conditions for technology companies like AR AR Group exchange floor. If it does not exist, AR Group will see how the dynamics of support that exist on the market for technology companies currently take the floor.

"We are grateful to the Indonesia Stock Exchange because it gives a chance in the opening exchanges morning session. This is one of support for arguably AR Group is the company's first non listed the opening exchanges. Just how we socialize this company to a wide audience, all need a process, business growth, and the right moment. "

She also ensured, since 2009 until now AR Group is a healthy company that grows organically. This means that it will be a guarantee of AR Group to potential buyers of shares when the floor.
